How to drive safely in the rain this spring

How to drive safely in the rain this spring

How to drive safely in the rain this spring

As one of our New York readers, you are probably enthusiastically awaiting the spring weather to arrive. Unfortunately, as warmer temperatures move into the area it’s common for the rain to begin to fall.

If you find yourself on the road during a rainstorm, it’s imperative that you adjust your approach to improve your safety. Neglecting to do so can increase the likelihood of an accident, and that’s not a situation you want to find yourself in.

Here are five simple tips you can follow to drive safely when “April showers bring May flowers”:

  • Be patient. Even if you’re running late, you need to exercise extreme patience on the road. If you drive too fast or begin to make illegal maneuvers, it increases the chance of a mistake that can cause an accident.
  • Leave more space between other vehicles. When roads are wet it takes longer to stop your vehicle. This is why you need to leave a few extra seconds of following time. This could go a long way in helping you prevent an accident.
  • Use your headlights. There are two reasons to do this. First off, it helps you better see the road ahead. Also, it makes it easier for other drivers to spot your vehicle.
  • Keep both hands on the steering wheel. Heavy rain is often accompanied by strong winds, which means your vehicle could be pushed all over the road. By keeping both hands on the wheel it’s easier to maintain control.
  • Watch for standing water. When water accumulates on the roadway it’s possible your vehicle could hydroplane. This means that one or more of your tires loses contact with the surface. If you see standing water on the road, do your best to avoid it or, at the very least, slow down.
See also  3 tips for avoiding a potentially deadly red-light collision

These are some of the better things you can do when driving in wet weather conditions.

If you find yourself part of a car accident, move to safety and wait for help to arrive. You may want to call 911 to ensure that an ambulance and police arrive right away.

Once you receive treatment, turn your attention back to the accident. Learning what went wrong will help you decide what to do next, such as the best way to hold the negligent party responsible.

If you or someone you love is in need of an experienced personal injury lawyer or criminal defense attorney, contact us today for a free confidential consultation. We proudly serve Suffolk CountyNassau County, Long Island, BrooklynManhattanBronxQueensand throughout New York State.

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