Long Island Parole Violation Lawyer Explains What Happens When You Violate Parole

Long Island Parole Violation Lawyer The Matera Law Firm New York

Long Island Parole Violation Lawyer Explains What Happens When You Violate Parole

Violating your parole can have very serious consequences, including potentially returning to prison. Many people think parole and probation violations are similar. But parole is a conditional release from prison, which means that it comes with very strict terms and regulations that cannot be broken. Any failure to follow the rules set forth for your parole can lead to you being sent back to prison. Long Island parole violation lawyer explains what happens when you violate parole.

What Are The Conditions of Parole?

Long Island Parole Violation Lawyer The Matera Law Firm New YorkParole means that you have met the minimum term of incarceration and a parole board has chosen to grant you parole. But that parole comes with some strict conditions that you absolutely must abide by. Typically, these conditions will vary on a case by case basis, especially when negotiated by an experienced parole violation lawyer, but often, they include the following:

  • You must obey all laws
  • You must inform the court if you intend to move
  • You must be employed and inform the court if you change jobs
  • You cannot possess a firearm or weapon
  • You must stay in contact with your assigned parole officer
  • You must pay your designated fines or fees

Some parolees will have stricter conditions depending on the crime they committed. For example, you may have to submit to drug testing or abide by certain curfews. There are cases when people do not realize that they have broken the specific conditions of their parole. If you think you may have violated your parole, the best thing to do is contact a Long Island parole violation lawyer to discuss your particular case.

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What Happens if You Violate Your Parole?

First, you will have to undergo a preliminary hearing, where it will be determined whether or not you did violate the conditions of your parole. It is important that you have a Long Island parole violation lawyer present for this hearing. If you are not being held in custody, you should receive a letter informing you of the date and location of your preliminary hearing. During this hearing, your Long Island parole violation lawyer may present evidence or speak with witnesses to try and prove you did not violate your parole, or that the violation was unintentional. After the preliminary hearing, the parole board will receive a report and will then decide whether or not to hold a violation hearing.

If it is determined that you did indeed violate your parole, you may face penalties including:

  • A warrant being issued for your arrest
  • Additional convictions
  • Additional fines
  • Revocation of your parole, requiring you to return to prison to serve the remainder of your sentence

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Parole Violation Lawyer in New York

Parole violations and the consequences that parolees face for them depend on the individual situation, the conditions of your parole, the type of violation involved, and other factors. For this reason, if you have violated your parole, you should speak to a Long Island parole violation lawyer about the details of your specific case. They will have the expertise and knowledge to determine the best way to go about your parole violation, as well as how to defend you during your preliminary hearing. Those who have broken the terms of their parole should note that it is not advisable to try and defend yourself during a parole violation hearing.

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If you or someone you love was accused of a parole violation in New York, schedule a free consultation with an experienced Long Island parole violation lawyer at The Matera Law Firm. Let our experience work for you.

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