Don’t let the winter blues impact your driving

Don’t let the winter blues impact your driving

Don’t let the winter blues impact your driving

The winter months are hard on many people because of the cold and the darkness. Many people don’t stop to think about how much they enjoy the warmer months and the sunshine that comes with them. The fact is that the human body needs vitamin D, which is received from the sunlight, to thrive. When the winter months hit and people are indoors and go days without actual sunshine, there is a chance that the winter blues might set in.

When you drive, you need to be fully alert and ready to react to anything that comes up. This isn’t possible if you are too drowsy. Drivers who are fatigued or drowsy pose a risk on the roads in New York and around the country.

All drivers are at risk

All drivers are at risk of becoming drowsy while they are driving. There are certain factors that increase the likelihood that you will be too drowsy to drive. People who work on swing shifts and those who work in the overnight hours are at an increased risk. Individuals who drive vehicles, including truckers and delivery drivers are also at risk. Workers who are expected to work long shifts, such as emergency medical technicians, doctors and nurses are among this group.

Quick fixes don’t work

People tend to think that opening a window for cooler air or grabbing coffee for caffeine can help them overcome drowsiness. This isn’t the case. These measures might help you in the short term but they aren’t long-term solutions for this problem. Instead, you need to ensure that you get quality sleep before you get behind the wheel. Some individuals, such as those who have certain medical conditions like sleep apnea, need to get medical help so that they can start to get good sleep.

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Drowsy driving can lead to serious crashes

Drivers who are fatigued need to get off the road. You might start to nod off or realize that you’ve driven while you were too dazed to remember what you did. You may also blink frequently and suffer from highway hypnosis. These are all signs that you need to get some rest before continuing on your journey.

While you can ensure that you get enough sleep, you can’t control what other drivers do. If they are too drowsy, there is a chance that you will be struck. These car accidents can come with serious injuries, and might even lead to death.

If you or someone you love is in need of an experienced personal injury lawyer or criminal defense attorney, contact us today for a free confidential consultation. We proudly serve Suffolk CountyNassau County, Long Island, BrooklynManhattanBronxQueensand throughout New York State.

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